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Published Works

Novels     Non-Fiction    Short Stories and Poetry


From Infamy to Hope
From Infamy to Hope

Mysteries of Colonial Times
Mysteries of Colonial Times

Seymour Lipp Mysteries
Seymour Lipp Mysteries

Murder on Old Mission
Murder on Old Mission

Murder Undone
Murder Undone

Stone Cold Dead
Stone Cold Dead

A Suspicion of Witchcraft
A Suspicion of Witchcraft


Dementia a Love Story
Dementia a Love Story

Book Commentary review
Kaleidoscope review

Edward Taylor and the Lord's Supper:From Theology to Poetry, Andover Newton Quarterly, March, 1978

Focus on the Written Word, with Edward Eriksson Norvec, 1972, a composition rhetoric

The Student Critic, with R. David Cox, Winthrop, 1974, a guide for freshman literature courses

Writing Through Reading, with M. Cecile Forte, Prentice-Hall, 1983, a developmental composition rhetoric using reading skills as a gateway to writing skills

Discovering Process, with M. Cecile Forte, Macmillan, 1985, a standard composition rhetoric as above combining reading and writing skills

Philosophy, An Introduction Through Literature, with Lowell Kleiman, Paragon House, 1990, a text for philosophy courses using literary works as table setters for philosophical issues

Templates, Models of Style and Usage for Writers, Broadview Press, 2015, a sentence level rhetoric using computer templates to explain sentence structure

Short Stories and Poetry

El Moley Rachamim, Jewish Currents, July-August, 1991

Procession (Published in Dunes Review, Vol. 8, June, 2003)

Bird Song, an excerpt from A Child Shall Lead Them (Published in North Atlantic Review, No. 9, 1997)

Herod (Published in North Atlantic Review, No. 8, 1996)

Nolo Contendere (Published in Pangolin Papers, Summer,1998) 

Threnody for a Moth (Published in Nebo, Volume 5, No. 1)

Lungs (Published in North Atlantic Review, No.14, 2002/2003)

The Raincoat (Published in Paumanok Review, 2003)

Cedar Beach (Published in Dunes Review, Vol. 7, Issue 2, December, 2002)

A Street in Brooklyn (Published in Dunes Review Vol. 9, June, 2004)

Of A Certain Time and Place (Published in North Atlantic Review, December 2006)

The Visitor (Previously published in The Chariton Review 32/2 (Fall 2009), Truman State University Press, Kirksville, MO)

Eagles Rising (Published in the Palo Alto Review, April, 2011)

A Foolish Son  (Published in the Copperfield Reeview,  April, 2014)

The King Knew Her Not (Published in the Green Hills Literary Lantern, July 2015).

Like Water Over Stones (Published in Rosebud).

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